Thursday, November 13

The 3rd day of SPM

13th of november 2008.Today is the 3rd day of exam and also the last one for the week.The ministry is quite good for giving us a break before the next paper.A four day leave.Thank god and good for me who always study last minute.
M.Math 1 and 2
The paper 1 is quite easy.But stupid me go check answer right after exam and 3 question wrong.How sad.Paper 2 is worse.There is a few question which i think i screw it up.But no worry it is jus the same with wat happen during trial and i still get a A2.NO WORRIES.

1 comment:

•··´¿TîkµzZ™··• said...

wow..u got a blog...haha...nice 1..but so 'DULL' la...make the blog nicer la..haha..